Dallas Assault Attorney
Assault can be a serious offense under Texas law with significant penalties. The prosecutor can bring charges of assault as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the facts of the case and the severity of the victim’s injuries. As a result, you should not take these criminal charges lightly or assume that you can handle the situation on your own. Instead, turn to former prosecutors Keith and Kevin Harris. As an experienced Dallas Assault Lawyer Keith and Kevin focus their criminal defense practice throughout the communities in Dallas. Contact Harris & Harris Law Group today to learn about your legal rights, explore your options, and develop a strong defense strategy for your situation.
Criminal Penalties for Assault under Texas Law
Various factors help determine whether an assault charge is a misdemeanor or a felony and, therefore, the severity of the penalty imposed. The circumstances that led to the incident at issue, the seriousness of the victim’s injuries, the involvement of a deadly weapon, the nature of the victim and the motivation behind the incident all contribute to the determination of the appropriate sentence for an assault charge. For instance, if an assault proves to be a hate crime or involves attempted injury to a young child, the prosecutor may file more serious charges than in a simple assault case.
Additional Penalties for Assault
Depending on the situation, incidents that constitute assault may involve civil penalties, as well. For instance, a domestic violence situation in Dallas, TX may result not only in criminal battery charges, but also in a civil protective order, which can significantly limit your freedom and activities. The imposition of a civil protective order also can impair your ability to carry or purchase a gun. Furthermore, an incident that causes serious injuries to the victim may subject you to a civil lawsuit for the purposes of recouping the financial costs of the injuries, such as medical bills.
A conviction for assault can have significant, life-altering consequences, including financial liability, a permanent black mark on your criminal history, restriction on free movement, and even loss of freedom. Do not put yourself at risk for these serious penalties by attempting to resolve the charges yourself. Rather, place yourself in the best possible position for defending yourself against assault charges by getting the assistance of an experienced legal team. Contact Harris & Harris Law Group today.