Dallas Sex Crime Lawyer

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Best Dallas Sex Crime Lawyer

Dallas Sex Crime Attorney

Former Dallas County prosecutors Keith and Kevin Harris know how serious the sentences and penalties can be for sex crimes. As experienced Dallas Sex Crime Lawyer, Keith and Kevin are devoted to aggressively defending their community members throughout Dallas against sex crime charges, many of which turn out to be false. If the state accuses you of a sex crime, contact Harris & Harris Law Group for help.

Sex Crime Accusations

The reality is that accusations of sex crimes, especially with respect to children, often arise in the context of divorces and child custody disputes. Well-meaning social workers and therapists may find alleged signs of sexual abuse in children or adults in these situations, which often prove to be inaccurate. Mere accusations of sex crimes can ruin a person’s reputation, whereas a sex crimes conviction can result in very serious, lifelong penalties. Keith and Kevin’s experience as former prosecutors can provide you with both the emotional guidance and the vigorous defense you need and deserve when facing a sex crime charge.

Get The Facts About Texas Sex Crimes & Sentencing

Sex Crimes with Children – Convictions and Sentences

Like many states, Texas has increasingly enacted harsher penalties and sentences for those convicted of sex crimes against children. In all cases of sex crimes involving children, a conviction will remain on your criminal record for the rest of your life, and will be available to the public, including prospective employers. Additionally, all convictions for sex crimes against children require that you register as a sex offender for a certain length of time, and most require that you register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Information about registered sex offenders, including the type of their criminal convictions, places of employment and home addresses, is readily available to the public on the internet and through local law enforcement agencies.

In Dallas, Texas, convictions for sex crimes against children also carry lengthy prison sentences, which can range from two years to life depending on the nature of the crime. Newer Texas laws establish much more stringent penalties for sex crime convictions involving children, and particularly for those sex crimes against very young children.

Specifically, a conviction for aggravated sexual assault against a child under the age of six carries a minimum sentence of incarceration of 25 years, with the potential for a maximum sentence of 99 years, or life in prison. Similarly, a conviction for continuous sexual abuse of a child or children under the age of 14, over a period of 30 days or more, will result in a sentence of incarceration from 25 years to life. Additionally, a person convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a child or aggravated sexual assault of a child under the age of six will NEVER become eligible for parole.

Dallas Criminal Defense Attorneys For Sex Crimes

Do not attempt to face possibly devastating sex crime charges on your own. Your reputation, your job, your family, and your freedom may all be at stake. Do not risk losing everything to unfounded charges of a sex crime. Contact Dallas criminal attorneys Keith and Kevin Harris now to discuss how they can defend you against these potentially life-threatening accusations.

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